Monday, October 20, 2008

Witness our Collective Fitnesses

Hey you know that magazine CMJ? You don't? It's the one that champions horrible music and always puts white people on the cover. No you're thinking of Pitchfork-CMJ is a magazine...ahhhh forget it already.

So even our whining about how boner filled CMJ is could not diminish the huge demand to have Violent Bullshit part of the festival. In fact fan demand reached such a fevered pitch that we finally relented. Here's how to maximize your CMJ VBS intake.

WED. 22 @Webster Hall Studio-lead screamer Jayson Green will be DJ'ing the Krallice (x-Jasta 14, Breakfaith) and Vried show. Sick black metal and I will be supplying my heaviest records. Starts at midnight.

THURS. 23 @ Death By Chocolate - Bullshit plays with CHEESEBURGER and a bunch of other dudes and ladyfingers. It's free so stop complaining. Go here to download brand new Bullshit song that is part of a mixtape assembled by the promoter. Our song is called "We Don't Like You (War On The Normals)" and it's too early to tell but I think our song might be the best one on the mixtape. The last time we played with the Burger I was in a shame spiral for days afterwards-here's hoping lighting strikes twice.

SUN. 26 @Legion Bar on Metropolitian and Humbolt. "Violent Bullshit Presents : Vibrant Bullshit" This is a party-a party for us. You are invited. We will be playing our favorite hardcore, punk, and whatever records all night with loads of special guests stopping by. It's also, world's greatest artist, J Penry's Bday. 10pm till cry o'clock. Garunteed to get wierd.

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