Friday, December 26, 2008

Neil Year's Eve

Not unlike Martin and Lewis, Chuck and Flava, and Rodney and Dangerfield's-the loveable duo Penry and Green are on for NYE and will help you break every goddamn resolution you make the same night you make it.  Just to beat you to the punch you can't say your resolutions are things like "having fun" or "listening to good music" ok, wiseass?  

The Albert and Costello of DJ'ing (that's us again-ugh this is getting exhausting) will be working for you filthy animals all night on New Year's Eve this year at Enid's.  Trust me when I say it's work-cause we all know it's amateur hour on NYE and we, as seasoned pros of partying, have been asked to try to bring down your flaming plane of an evening as softly as possible.  So stop pretending that you are going to "do something really great this year" and just show up at the bar you know you'll end up at anyway.  I have like a million awesome records and Penry has at least a zillion-so between us it's gonna fucking slay.  Come kiss me on the mouth when it's midnight I promise I'll keep my lips closed this year. (psych! I'm totally gonna french!)

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