Friday, January 1, 2010

Crappy New Ears

Dan at his throne, White knees naked through threadbare jeans, Full of buttholes.

Beards gather, bandana'd, and

Byron, backed up, Bends and breaks his A string.

I looks down at my riff and mousse gets In my eyes.

Oh Jayson!, 21 again, “behind you!” with a Fixed-gear mic.

Where's Toshi? Oh, there's Toshi. He's found the sick Way to do it.

Lady and gentlemen, Violent Bullshit.


Wolfy Part II said...

Yo, yous dude wanna play a DBA show on Februaury 4th with Red Dawn II, Xray Eyeballs, and Grocery Thief(maybe)?

Anonymous said...

Interesting blog as for me. I'd like to read more concerning this matter. The only thing it would also be great to see here is some photos of any gizmos.
David Flouee
Cell phone jammer

Shaun said...

Hey I want to book you guys for a party this Saturday, 1/30. Get at me!


Unknown said...
